
Cancellation Policy

We ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or change your appointment.

For clinics that are closed on the weekends, changes made to Monday appointments must be made by Friday at Noon. 

For clinics that are open on weekends, like our Toronto location, we require a 24h notice for all cancelled and rescheduled sessions. If a session is missed, cancelled, or rescheduled within this period, it will result in a full charge of the session. 

If you are sick and unable to come into the office, your clinician may be able to offer a phone session instead of cancelling your appointment.

We understand that mistakes happen, and emergencies arise. You will not be charged for the first missed or cancelled appointment (with less than 24 hours notice). However, if appointments are consistently missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, you may be charged an associated fee at the discretion of the clinician. Providing us with notice allows clinicians to service clients on the cancellation and waiting lists.

Use of Electronic Records

At NuVista Mental Health, all information related to your services is kept in a securely encrypted record keeping service online. Because of the rapid expansion of data technologies, we now manage information through the use of electronic health record keeping.

Through this process, the practice uses diligent levels of encryption and password protected access to maintain security and safety of digital information. The software NuVista Mental Health is now using for note keeping, houses their data on a secure and encrypted server in Canada.


All personal information will be kept confidential. However, there are times when we are legally and ethically obligated to breach confidentiality without your consent. These circumstances include:

  • Third party payers responsible for your care will be provided with relevant written and/or verbal feedback.
  • If there is a reason to believe that you are at serious and imminent risk of physically harming yourself or another person.
  • If there is reason to believe that a child is suffering from abuse and/or neglect.
  • If you have been sexually abused by another regulated health professional.
  • A court has subpoenaed your records.
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Now NuVista Mental Health

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